Our COG angel has 10,000 angels under him divided into ten groups under ten generals. There will be ten major churches planted throughout the world in these end times that will serve as regional headquarters for the 10000 churches. For the purpose of training millions of fivefold ministers a Bible school will be established to train these fivefold in Australia, which will remain the main headquarters for COG worldwide. The countries where the ten main churches will be planted are:

Australia (Main Headquarters) The main church in Australia will be in Sydney-Canberra with the training centre in Canberra. There will be branch churches in all the state capitals.
New Zealand Auckland will be the country base for the churches in New Zealand.
Korea Paju will be the main base of the Asian church (replacing Singapore after 2029)
China Zhao Qing, the main China church as well as a training centre will be established.
Canada Toronto and Ontario will be the main North American base for COG churches. The churches in USA (main base in Washington) will move to Canada after 2029.
Greece Athens-Philippi will be the main base of the future European COG, replacing church in London after 2027.
Russia Moscow-St Petersburg will have a main church in the heart of the future leading country of the world after 2029.
Jordan Madaba will always have a Middle Eastern based COG. This church might not grow big but it will be an important centre of prayer, revival, worship and training.
South Africa Cape town will be the regional centre for COG in Africa.
Brazil-Argentina Both Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires will be main centres for the COG churches in South America.

The vision of the white building (given in 1990s) will be fulfilled as predicted. This is the main centre of both human and angelic activities on earth. It is centred in Sydney-Canberra areas with branches in Canberra and Auckland. The other major building and centre will be Canada and there will be spiritual bridge between these two countries. 

The COG Mandate from God is as follows:

1. To prepare the body of Christ as the glorious church, a bride ready for the Rapture and the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

2. To plant 10,000 churches around the world.

3. To train and establish apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to perfect the end time church.

4. To establish 24 hour praise and worship centres around the world.

5. To bring oneness to the body of Christ with one another and with our Lord Jesus Christ

© Johann Melchizedek Peter, Cathedral of Glory. All rights reserved.